What is 'soaking' and what is 'jump-humping'?

Leave your thoughts below on the Mormon sex practice that's gone viral.

By: Angela Rosario | November 2021

photo of a banana inside of a grapefruit to show a visual of soaking sex, or a penis inside of a vaginaPhoto by Shutterstock

A video went viral revealing what some Mormons are doing to get around the "no sex" rule.

An act known as "soaking" involves a penis penetrating someone without "thrusting."

That's it. Penetration only. No thrusting, and no orgasm.

What is 'jump-humping'?

Some couples who practice soaking will have a friend create some movement by jumping, bouncing, or moving the bed, or "jump-humping."

The purpose is to give the couple more pleasure instead of just penetrating.

The “soaking” hashtag has some 44.8 million tags.funeralpotatoslut Tiktok

What do you think about the act of "soaking and "jump-humping"? Leave an anonymous comment below with your thoughts!


  • Pickle

    As an Ex-Mo I feel I have to comment on this. Yes this is a thing that’s happening, however I feel like it’s not too common.

    This is what happens when children don’t receive any sexual education. And I do mean ‘any’. In Mormon culture you do not talk about sexuality or anything sexual. It’s an unspoken rule that you don’t talk about it. Sometimes it goes to an extreme and families will keep their children from learning anything even in school.

    The other side of this is that after marriage you are expected to be very sexual and start a family almost immediately. This creates many problems and misconception as you could imagine and is another topic in itself.

    My wife and I were both able to leave together after many years and have been slowly discovering and learning about many things. Sexuality being one of them. We are going slow and practice communication which has been wonderful for both of us.

    Main point I want to make is to remember to talk about sexuality with your family. Whether is a spouse, a loved one, or age appropriate child. It’s uncomfortable at first, but will keep misconceptions and things like ‘soaking’ from happening.

  • KD

    If you’re going to cheat the rules, why not leave so you can really enjoy it? Is it condoms, or no? There’s enough precum to make a pregnancy so to me it’s a waste of time & enjoyment.

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