How to Deep Throat: Important Tips and Techniques


Deepthroating Tips & Tricks To Try Tonight!

If you struggle during a blowjob and feel as though you're going to gag or potentially even throw up or stop breathing - we've got your back this sounds — it can be better! We can teach you how to deepthroat. In fact, you can deepthroat your partner without feeling like death is impending. How do I know? How can I be so sure? Well, I can deepthroat and I have taught many of my friends how to do it too!

What is a Deepthroating?

Let us begin by explaining what deepthroating is, for any of you who may not know.

Contrary to what you may have heard, deepthroating is not holding your partner’s penis deep in your throat continuously. When you deepthroat your partner, you lovingly take their penis and swallow it down your throat — how long you keep it there is really up to you — but any taking of your partner’s penis into your throat is considered deepthroating.

You can even practice with a deepthroat sex toy. That’s right! You can learn how to deepthroat with a dildo such as our Best Selling Vibrating Dildo shown below:


Click here to shop our best selling dildo with balls


Size Does Matter

Don’t feel bad if you don’t know how to deepthroat yet. You may be wondering how you get an erect penis (which on average is longer than your mouth depth) into your throat without gagging. Well, the truth is, deepthroating is a sexual technique, a skill if you will — and it requires you to suppress your gag reflex in order to partially swallow the end of the penis. This requires muscle control as well as a willing nature.

If you have the will, there is a way. Is it true that some people just can't deepthroat? No, not really. Everybody CAN learn to do it — even those who have horrible gag reflexes – it simply requires persistence. Even if you can’t learn to completely deepthroat, you will learn how to give a better blowjob in the process!

Mind Over Matter

If you have made up your mind to learn how to deepthroat, then this will be the perfect way for you to begin. Knowledge is power — and this will most certainly help you to understand the physics of the act of deepthroating.

To begin, if you have never given a blowjob (sucked, licked, or teased your partner’s penis with your mouth), it is probably better for you to master that before attempting to deepthroat. However, there will be good techniques in this article that will invariably aid in your blowjob skills as well.

Now, if you have never, ever tried to deepthroat — or if you have and you find that you have a terrible gag reflex (feeling like you are going to vomit) — then I would definitely suggest you practice on deepthroat sex toys, bananas, or other objects before you try this on your partner. If you get confident with the stand-ins, you will do much better with a real penis!

Fruits Are Good For You

I know you must think it’s a joke, but it really isn’t. Many, many people have successfully learned how to deepthroat (or even give blowjobs) on bananas! Before you figure out how to deepthroat with a dildo, it may be better to start with this sweet fruit. Bananas are curved, rather long, and about the same width as many penises. Therefore, using a banana (with the peel ON) to practice deepthroating is a very popular choice.

Now, I prefer to get something a little more lifelike, so you can handle the whole idea of what a penis is — from the head to the shaft to the balls — so when you get a real one in your mouth, you are prepared. For practicing I recommend a lifelike dildo. The point is, try to find something that is pliable, bendable, and about 6-7” to begin. This will help you to be better prepared later on.

Getting to Know You

Once you have your practice penis — whether a banana or a deepthroat sex toy — you must get to know it. That’s the key to learning how to deepthroat with a dildo or any other object. If you attempt to just ram it down your throat, you will be unsuccessful!

Try to be as comfortable as possible, and be aroused. Then, when you are ready to begin, start as you would a regular blowjob. Lick the end, suck the sides, get it moist with saliva. If you need more, use some flavored lubricant — make sure that the toy is slick and sensual. Use your hands to hold the toy or banana at the base and really give it your attention as if the person you love is attached to it. Then, begin to insert the deepthroat sex toy or other object further and further down your throat.

IF you are sitting up, try a different position — you would rarely give a blowjob sitting up. Try to get in the position that you would be in to do the deed. If you have a friend available to hold the toy — do it. NO, I AM NOT JOKING — I helped many of my friends learn how to deepthroat this way. If you normally kneel to give the blowjob — then kneel; if you lie down to do it, then lie down.

Put the deepthroat sex toy or banana into your mouth and begin to work it down your throat. Take a little at a time — down and then back out; down and then back out. Slowly increase the depth of the toy. If you feel like you are going to gag, then try to relax, flatten your tongue, and remember to BREATHE! The more saliva you work into your mouth, the better! The slicker the toy, the better it will slide in and out of your throat. And as we said before, you can always slick up the toy with lube like the Strawberry Flavored Lube shown below:

Click here to shop the strawberry water-based lube

Stay Relaxed, Show Up With Confidence

These are the keys to learning how to deepthroat with a dildo! When you are relaxed, your tongue and cheeks relax. If you are tense, the toy will not go down your throat! Keep working the deepthroat sex toy in and out and further down until you feel it passing your tonsils — then you know you have hit pay dirt! Continue to breathe out of your nose once it gets far enough down your throat to close off your windpipe. Take the toy in and out until you get confident enough to leave it down longer. This might take you a while to learn — hell, it might take you a long time to just get the toy TO your tonsil level — but do not give up! The more you do it, the better you will get.

2 Helpful Tricks of the Trade:

    • Tilt Your Head Back

    There are ways to make this process a little easier if you find that you are having trouble with this exercise. In case you never noticed this about yourself — your throat is not really curved, but straight. Remember that as you practice how to deepthroat with a dildo or piece of fruit. Your mouth and throat come together at kind of a sharp L-curve — at least when you are sitting straight up. A penis is typically straight but bends a little too. The combination of an L-shaped bend and a straight object going together doesn’t really make sense! It is sort of like trying to shove a straight stick down an L-shaped pipe.

    In order to perfect deepthroating, you must learn how to reshape your throat to accept the penis — to get the mouth and the throat to “line up”. The easiest way to learn this concept is to lie on your back on your bed, then move your head to the edge and let it naturally fall over the edge! This will provide a much more natural alignment for your toy to extend into your throat. So, while in this position, take your deepthroat sex toy and start to move it down into your throat. You should find that it slides down much easier in this position.

    • Remember To Breathe

    While you have the deepthroat sex toy down your throat, it will seem, especially at first, that you can’t breathe. When you are learning how to deepthroat with a dildo, you must practice breathing out of your nose more. This seems unnatural at first, because our instinct when something is shoved into our throat is to gag and hold our breath or to cough.

    So, one of the most important techniques to learn is how to breathe while deepthroating. When the toy goes into your throat and pushes past the tonsils — DO NOT PANIC. Simply hold your breath for the few seconds that it is blocking your airway.

    Then, when you pull out the toy, take a breath — from your mouth. In time you will learn how to pattern your breathing with the rhythm of the insertion and it won’t feel so much like you are suffocating! To do this, just repeatedly swallow the toy in and out and practice the breathing as you go. Once you can successfully get the deepthroat sex toy down into your throat and continue breathing without gagging — you are ready to learn how to deepthroat a real penis.

    Getting Over the Gag

    If you are a “gagger” — meaning every time something goes into your throat, you gag — the mission is to defeat the gag reflex. It is called a “reflex” because the throat wants to expel items that are closing off the windpipe — it is a survival instinct. However, you can overcome this reflex by learning to relax and concentrate on what you are doing. That’s why it’s important to learn how to deepthroat with a sex toy like a dildo first.

    If you are breathing and relaxed, the gag reflex will not be so bad. There really are no super secrets to eliminating or overcoming the gag reflex — simply mind over matter and practice. Therefore, the best way to overcome it is to continually force yourself to accept the toy down your throat. Each time, it should get much easier and much better to do.

    Eventually, your gag reflex will barely be noticeable when giving oral sex. One final tip to overcoming this obstacle is to be aroused! The more aroused and willing we are to pleasure our partner, the easier it is to accomplish this. However, if you do find yourself still struggling, we do sell blowjob creams made specifically to help reduce the gag reflex such as the Good Head Deepthroat Spray shown below:

    Click here to shop this oral sex deep throat spray

    Time to Trade Out The Toys & Learn How to Deepthroat

    Once you have successfully mastered oral lovin’ with your deepthroat sex toy, then it is time to try this on your partner! Make sure he is willing to be patient and let you run the show. Most people get SO excited at the prospect of deepthroating that they grab the back of your head and push you down — this will make you panic, and won’t end up well for either of you!

    So please, ladies — warn your partner that you run the show — no grabbing the hair or pushing your head — you can save that for later when you have mastered the art of how to deepthroat! Remember that giving oral to your partner is MUCH easier than on a banana or a toy because a penis bends, moves, and gives a little where a toy DOESN’T.

    Begin by kissing and licking your partner’s prized possession to show them you are loving every moment. Lick up and down the shaft — being sure to get a lot of saliva around the shaft and head. Use your hands to increase the sensations. Suck the end like a straw and gently suck the penis into your mouth. Go slow, take your time, and once you have sufficiently worked your lover into a frenzy with your personalized blowjob techniques — begin to suck them into your throat.

    Just as you did to the deepthroat sex toy — use your hands to hold the penis and bring them down into your throat slowly — remember to breathe and to only put the penis in a little at a time — working into the full deepthroat. For first-timers, I suggest that you do not leave the penis in your throat too long — bring it in and let it out.

    Remember to relax your throat, flatten your tongue, and ALWAYS suck harder on the way out of your throat. If you can’t get the penis all the way into your throat — DO NOT WORRY — just try again next time. Believe me, your lover will love you for trying and the blowjob he is getting is better than no blowjob at all!

    Tongue Twisting Techniques

    Once you have learned how to deepthroat, there are some things you can do to make it even more enjoyable! While the best way to perfect your blowjob givin’ skills is to find your own winning combinations — sometimes a few suggestions will get your creative juices flowing.

    • "The Humming Technique" 

    Don’t let your blowjob stop with just some licking and sucking — make it a “Hummer!” While this will take some time to perfect — it is definitely worth the time to learn. The vibrations of your tongue, throat, and tonsils when you hum is what will drive your partner nuts! What you want to do is suck your lover’s penis into your throat and while it is deep in — start to hum! It will seem very hard to do this at first — but after some practice, it will just be what you do. If you find it hard to do when the penis is all the way in — start humming as it comes out of your throat. Or, try to have your cheeks kind of puffed out so you can breathe. Whatever your technique, it will be worth it to try!
      • "The Popping Technique" 

      When taking the penis out of your throat, you'll basically want to bring it all the way up to your mouth and “suck” it hard — so when you pull it out it makes a “popping” noise. Then quickly suck it back into your throat and do it again. The extra friction that happens when you suck the penis in while lifting your head out is what drives the receiving partner crazy! The reason this is so spectacular for your partner is that most of the sensation is in the first few inches of the penis — so paying special attention to the head of it is sure to drive your partner CRAZY!!!

        Build a Better Blowjob

        All I can say is, if you are sucking your partner’s penis, there is very little you can do wrong. However, there are ways to learn how to deepthroat to make it even better. One of the essentials to deepthroating is “variation.” Don’t do the same thing over and over — vary your techniques and watch how much pleasure you can bring your partner!

        Pay attention to the head, the shaft — use your hands, your lips, your tongue, and even your teeth. I know, the idea of teeth with a blowjob is a bit radical, but if you use them carefully, like loving nibbling, you can bring a whole new dimension to your blowjob!

        Remember to relax and do what feels good to you — when you are sucking your partner down your throat — relax and tilt your head back so that he can easily slide down. If you begin to gag, take the penis out and relax a minute and try again. If you get tired easily — try to switch it up in between the sucking. Nibble down the shaft, use your hands, and run your nails LIGHTLY down the sides. Tongue the head just a bit and tease the tip. There really are no bad ideas — just go with your own flow!

        Your Treat For a "Job" Well Done

        If you are going to spend the time to give your lover the world’s best blowjob, then make sure you take it all the way to fruition — swallow! One of the best things about figuring out how to deepthroat perfectly is that it makes swallowing much easier! It is sort of the concept of a “beer bong” — where you would suck down a whole beer through a funnel and a tube. Similar in concept, when you have your partner’s penis down your throat and he cums — the semen goes smoothly down your throat — missing the tongue and the swallowing reflex.

        So, if you have “issues” with sperm taste or texture — this may be your solution! Is swallowing necessary? Well, no — but some people seem to like it. If you are still having taste issues — or even if you just want to sweeten the deal — then try some flavored lube. Each person’s personal tastes are different — find something that will float your boat!

        Final Thoughts

        While deepthroating is one of the most intense sensations for a partner (so I have heard), if you can’t do it despite trying and employing my techniques — don’t worry! Your partner will love your efforts, and he will be horny and happy because you at least tried. Keep trying and you will succeed — the mantra of every parent or mentor. Well, think of me as your deepthroating mentor — keep trying, you WILL succeed! Trying is definitely more than half the fun — and the reward your lover will give you for trying to learn how to deepthroat will amply pay you back for all your practice.


        • Ricky

          I have a 8” realistic and it’s very satisfying to feel the bulge deep in my throat. I can only imagine the real thing

        • Rhea

          Excellent tips on how to perform for my man. He’ll appreciate this thank you 😊

        • Val

          Excellent writing and very well explained on techniques. Thank you ♥️

        • Brenda

          I’ve been told by my guy that I give a great blow job about 5 yrs ago..I’m fortunate he just the right size for some good deep throating!!! And when he cum in my mouth I swallow every bit because he tastes like silk! We are still going strong to this day and I haven’t missed a drop of my sweet man!!

        • Brenda

          I’ve been told by my guy that I give a great blow job about 5 yrs ago..I’m fortunate he just the right size for some good deep throating!!! And when he cum in my mouth I swallow every bit because he tastes like silk! We are still going strong to this day and I haven’t missed a drop of my sweet man!!

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