Step-By-Step Guide To Having A G-Spot Orgasm


The G-Spot is not a fictional erogenous spot, but, not all women have a prominent enough G-Spot for stimulation. Most people want to know how to have a g-spot orgasm. It takes time and patience, but it is possible!

Step 1: You need to truly relax.

If you feel pressure to “have a G-Spot orgasm” then you will not likely have one. Enjoying all things sex, and relaxing to the point where you enjoy the experience for the experience and not the end result is the basic groundwork for any orgasm. While I would not normally suggest alcohol for relaxation or to “have sex,” some women will do better if their inhibitions are lowered slightly. So, a drink or two may generally help with that relaxation.

Step 2: Be familiar with your body.

You have to know where your G-Spot is. Whether you are letting a partner explore you, or whether you are exploring yourself, you need to know where the spot is. The G-Spot is on the upper (belly) side of the vaginal wall, about 2-3 inches inside the opening. It is rough in texture and when pressed it will feel different than stimulating other parts of the vaginal wall.

Step 3: Get to know how you orgasm regularly.

Lots and lots of orgasms. Have them during sex. Have them during foreplay. Use toys. The more orgasms you have in general, the more blood that flows to the vaginal area and the more fluid builds up in the G-Spot. This is where many women have the greatest issue in that they do not have enough time devoted to having as many orgasms as possible. Even with partner play it can be hard to devote the time to get properly aroused.

Step 4: Vary the stimulation.

It will be very difficult to ONLY give G-Spot stimulation. You have to have all types of stimulation and it should be varied. Clitoral rubbing, internal stimulation (fingering or vibrator play), oral sex, toy play. The more varied the stimulation the more likely an orgasm is to occur.

Step 5: Press firmly.

It is okay to start stimulation on the softer side, but traditionally, the G-Spot is not an area to stimulate gently or gingerly if you want a g-spot orgasm. You have to really press on it and keep that pressure constant in order to elicit the orgasm. Statistically, the best way to provide this stimulation is to use a finger or a hard and rigid toy. There are special toys available for G-Spot stimulation which can help for solo or couple play.

Step 6: Steady the pressure.

The way you align your body can provide needed pressure on the G-Spot. This can be achieved by: putting pressure on the belly, above the pelvic arch, pulling your legs back and rocking your hips backward or laying on your stomach with pillows pressing on your abdomen. When you find a position that works you will be able to tell the difference.

Step 7: Double the stimulation.

Once you start the hard-core G-Spot stimulation you have to continue the pleasure assault by adding back the clitoral stimulation. This is where toys are almost a necessity as it is virtually impossible to provide the G-Spot stimulation AND clitoral stimulation at the same time for the amount of time required.

Step 8: Don’t stop.

Once you feel the build-up of the orgasm DO NOT STOP. The temptation is to pull back when the pleasure gets intense. This is the greatest obstacle to obtaining the orgasm. The pleasure of a G-Spot orgasm is unmatched and it is very near pain before it becomes pleasure. Therefore, you have to press yourself to move past the pain stage and onto the pleasure stage. Also, do not stop if you feel you are about to pee, this is the normal feeling.

Step 9: Go for more.

The wonderful thing about G-Spot orgasms is that they usually come in batches, not just one. So, if you are lucky enough to achieve this wonderful event, do not stop once the pleasure begins. Allow yourself to work through the pain stage and go for the next one.

Step 10: Don’t give up.

If you have gone through all the stages and you have not been able to achieve the G-Spot orgasm do not give up! Have fun, enjoy yourself and your partner, get in touch with the feelings and sensations, and overall just allow yourself the experience without pressure.

What other tips do you have?
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  • Queen B

    How come questions asked aren’t answered on a blog of some sort? Or are they? Not everyone’s question asked I want to know answer to, but some I do

  • Neal

    My experience is the G spot should not be considered a woman’s “body part” or “place on her anatomy” but is rather a “region” of a woman’s body. It is therefore beneficial to identify the clitoris and G Spot as a region, rather than distinct body parts. Physiologically, the clitoris has tissue and nerves that extend from the clitoris to the G Spot (and even further to the cervix and anus) thus stimulation of the region, rather than a body part, is the best way (perhaps even the only way) to achieve full stimulation of the G Spot and creating more intense orgasms (at least that’s the case with my wife). The foregoing theory also offers a better understanding of how anal sex and cervical stimulation (usually achieved by more intense doggie style sex) can include orgasms. Therfore, look at these experiences as a region of your partner’s body that work collectively, rather than going after a single event or body part, and of course discuss these theories with you better half. I think you’ll come to a new understanding and more intense orgasms for her.

  • Arnice

    How do I get a clitoral orgasim and a G-Spot orgasim at the same time

  • Bill

    If I give my girl a few orgasms using my tongue and fingers and then go for her G spot about how long will it take… And how much pressure do I need to apply… I don’t want to hurt her……
    Thanks for the great tips

  • Bill

    If I give my girl a few orgasms using my tongue and fingers and then go for her G spot about how long will it take… And how much pressure do I need to apply… I don’t want to hurt her……
    Thanks for the great tips

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