9 Standing Sex Positions From Sex Experts

Sex positions should be as varied as the comedy selections on Netflix, and they should include sitting, laying and standing options. Many people do not immediately think of standing up to have sex. Sure, maybe for some kissing and over the clothes action, but not for actual intercourse. Well, let me tell you, there are a whole bunch of positions you can do standing (or partially standing) that will amp up your normal sex routine.
1. Standing Oral
I am sure it seems obvious that a man can stand while his lover services him orally. Whether she kneels or sits, oftentimes when he stands this will put him at the perfect level to receive her oral attentions. But, did you know that standing oral will work for her as well. Have your man take a knee then put one of yours right over his shoulder. Perfect height to satisfy her oral needs too.

2. The Stand & Sit
There are limitless variations of this position where the man stands, but the woman sits. Whether she sits on a countertop, the table, the washing machine, a park picnic table, or any other appropriate height surface, you both will love not only the way he lines up perfectly with you, but he will love the view he gets.
3. The Downward Doggy
Do you practice yoga? Have you done the downward dog? Where you stand, then bend down, putting your hands on the ground, lowering your head, but leaving your butt up high? Well, imagine doing this naked with your man right behind you. Yep, there you have it. Forget Bikram, this is super-hot yoga.
4. The Reverse Jump Up
Just like the jump up, but facing the other way. The man stands and picks up the woman who will face away from him. He will grab her under her thighs, spreading her legs. She can move her arm behind his neck for support. Then, he just bobs her up and down a bit on his penis.

5. The Leg Up
This position is dependent upon a few conditions. First, you have to be similar heights. Second, she has to be fairly flexible. For this position, you will face each other and she will left her leg up (preferably put it right on his shoulder) and he will enter her. This position can be varied by bending the knee or supporting the raised leg on a chair or ottoman.

6. The Standing X
For this position, the man will lean against a wall, placing his legs out in front of him. The woman will lean into him, placing her legs back as if she is going to sit down. But, instead of sitting down, she will sit ON him. He can grab her hips and she can lean back and grab his, or he can hold her hands. When in this position it will appear like the two of you are an X.
7. The Wheelbarrow
As someone who has done this position I can tell you, it is possible and worth at least one try in your lifetime. For this one the man will stand and the woman will place her hands on the floor (as if she is about to do a handstand). The man grabs her legs (which are bent at the knees) and he will enter her while holding her up. Then they look much like they are about to do the wheelbarrow race. A naked, sexy wheelbarrow race.

8. Side Of The Bed
This is a very popular and mutually satisfying position. She will lie on the bed on her back (although, you can do it with her on her stomach), and her butt will be on the edge of the bed. Then, he will stand and enter her. There are many variations of this position depending on where her legs are, the height of the bed, and whether extra pillows are placed under her butt. One thing is for sure, it is a fantastic position for both.

9. The Ski Slope
This is not for the woman who doesn't like to be upside down. For this position, the woman lays on the floor, her head on a pillow (for comfort) and the man will pick her lower half UP and enter her with her legs either straight up and flat, or around his hips while she maintains only her shoulders and head on the floor.
There is a standing BONDAGE position that works great. I have a doorway shaped entry (no door) going from master bedroom into the bathroom. I screwed a very sturdy eye screw into the ceiling (like you would do for hanging plants) and two eye screws into each side of entryway about ankle high. She gets handcuffed (cuffs must be sturdy and comfortable, I prefer leather) then with both hands extended over her head, she gets clipped into the ceiling eye screw. Then ankles get cuffed. I spread her legs and clip her ankles into bottom eye screws. Now I can do whatever I want. The hottest part of this setup is that she is wearing an open cup/open crotch teddy and facing a huge mirror. I can see her facial expressions while I’m behind her. HOT!
I love ALL of these positions especially the standing head!!!!!
I like all of them even being older willing to try anything, my favorite is on the edge of the bed with her legs on my shoulders and then going down on her for the nectar of the gods, right now we are at a kind of a pause she says she isn’t interested in having sex anymore, but she will use her Toy accouple times a month leaving me high and dry, finding myself masturbating when I want to.
I love side of the bed, I will not try anything where I have to use my arms to hold me up and oral sex standing up, my legs give away and he has to catch me. I would love to do the leg up position, but I don’t know if I am that flexible anymore.
Yes, my favorite is the standing Shiva, your partner on her back on edge of bed. As I come to her, she puts her feet against my shoulders and her arms lay by her side. Then as I enter I grab her by the wrists. This allows me to penetrate deep and hard.
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