How To Juggle Vacation Sex And Kids

I sit here at this lovely mahogany desk, looking out upon the busy streets of New York, waiting anxiously for my hubby to return to our lovely suite. My hubby is here on business – he travels quite often in his line of work – and this time he asked me to come with on a sort of “mini-vacation.” I have always wanted to go to New York, and the time away from our son (although only 2 nights) is much needed right now. I love and adore our son, but a little R & R with my hubby is just what I need!

Like many women I know, I get extremely horny when I get into a hotel room. I do not know if it is the prospect of doing it somewhere besides our bedroom, the whirlpool tub in the room, or just the kinda kinky notion that I am with a man in a hotel. Whatever the reason, “hotel sex” has always made me hot! Sometimes, when a relationship gets stagnant, all it takes to revive it is to take a trip to a hotel for some hot, steamy S – E – X! This article will discuss some fun things you can do on your next trip to a hotel – as well as discuss how to make your vacation quality time when you have to bring your children along. Life and sex do continue after kids – and I know just how to do it! I will also address the tricky issue of packing “toys” for your vacation when you have to take an airplane! So, whether you are already planning your summer get-a-way or whether you need a little R & R – this article will surely get you in the mood for Love on the Run!!


I am most definitely one of the premier trip planners that I know. I always make a list, check it twice, and NEVER leave home without anything that I might need while I am away. Most hotels that I choose to stay at have some sort of spa tub or whirlpool on-suite. I feel that having a long, warm sexy bath can be a great way to prepare for a night of loving! Therefore, I have to have bath salts (or bubbles) and MASSAGE OILS. This way, my hubby and I can bathe together and play in the tub – or I can take a long, relaxing bath to get into the sensuous mood. The massage oils can be used to get more into the mood. Candles are the best way to bring a home-y touch to your home away from home. They provide scent, and romantic lighting. They can be used in the bathroom – during a romantic bath – or in the room during dinner or sex. Candles are the best way to set the mood for love! While the lingerie may not stay on long, it is essential for making ME feel sexy. I love slipping on a little teddy or corset set after getting wet and wild in the tub. Men do appreciate sexy lingerie – but statistics show that dressing sexy does much more for the woman than the man. It puts up in an erotic mood – makes us feel desirable. What woman wouldn’t want that?

Of course I do not go anywhere without my toys. I have quite a few favorites, but I try to pick ones that will do double or triple duty and that will travel well. I usually pack a Bullet Vibrator, a Dual Stimulator, an Anal Toy and some sort of Dildo or dong. Variety is the spice of life! Now, when I travel with my toys I always take the batteries out – especially when flying. The batteries are packed into my purse. If you leave the batteries IN your toys, you are just asking for security to open and search your bag. Therefore, I always remove the batteries – but pack extras to bring with (cause batteries cost a fortune in airports or hotel shops).

Finally, I always bring at least 2 LUBES – a SILICONE lube and a WATER-BASED lube. Playing together with my hubby in the hot tub or whirlpool requires a Silicone-Based Lube for long-lasting water play. The Water-Based Lubricant are perfect for any toy play. This way, I have all my bases covered. Just remember, do not EVER use a Silicone based lube with a silicone or cyberskin toy!


I am a firm believer in splurging on things that matter. When I go on a romantic mini-trip with my hubby, I look forward to ordering room service – and then getting serviced in my room! While romantic dinners out on the town can be lovely, there is nothing quite like a decadent meal in your room! Tonight I have arranged for dinner for two – prime rib for my hubby, baked chicken for me. A bottle of red wine, sparkling water and of course, dessert – Crème Brule always soothes my palate! I have asked for it to come later – around 8:00 pm – which gives me plenty of time to unwind my hubby when he returns to the room. I believe that planning romantic scenarios is essential in any healthy relationship – especially when you are away from home. Taking advantage of everything your situation has to offer is a definite treat to yourselves.

For tonight, I plan on drawing a bath for my hubby – as he has had a long day of presentations and meetings – to relax him and get his mind of work. I will pour him a 7/7 from the mini-bar (another splurge at $10.00 for a small bottle) – and get him ready for our evening. As I undress him and place him in the tub with his drink (candles lit and around the tub) I will rub his back and get him relaxed. Tonight I will not join him in the tub, as I have to be able to let room service in. While he is soaking and unwinding room service will come and I will get our dinner set up. Then, I will provide my hubby with a scrumptious, thick robe and lead him to the table for dinner. After dinner, I will excuse myself to the bathroom and change into a silky something that I have brought – and of course freshen up. When I return to the room, we will be ready to indulge each other in any way we see fit. Perhaps even enjoying an Adult feature (another extravagance at $14.95 a pop) while we digest our food. Since my hubby has had a long day – a massage is in order - and after that, all roads lead to sex – and HOT, hotel sex can be some of the best sex EVER!


Going on vacation with the kids can be such a wonderful bonding time! Kids make everything interesting and fun, and most kids enjoy going anywhere that is not home. However, if your family vacation is also your only vacation with your spouse, how do you get those romantic times? This can be a little tricky to do – but I do have some suggestions. First, if you can splurge on an adjoining room – DO IT! While it may cost you more money, having the option to be in your own room is PRICELESS! Also, many hotels now offer suites where there is a separate room for the kids, and an "adult” room – often with the whirlpool tub. These suites are WONDERFUL for sneaking in private moments. Depending on the age of your children, it can also work well to sneak into the bathroom after they are in bed. Locking the door will give you the much needed privacy to get busy with your significant other – without being in front of your children. I personally have had all of these experiences.

As our son is merely 5 – we started with the sneaking into the bathroom while he was asleep. Placing him in his crib and knowing he was secure gave us the freedom to explore each other in the other room. While I realize that a small child (under 3) does not realize what “sex” is, and would not be traumatized by seeing us naked – I preferred to be able to be a little more vocal – ergo, the separate room. This worked well until our son was in a bed, then the plan changed up. When he was old enough for his own bed or rollaway, we always opted for the suites or adjoining rooms. I always had a little apprehension about leaving my son in the adjoining room, but many hotels have rooms with high locks – that no child can reach even if standing on a chair. I also brought along our portable door chime – you place on side on the door jamb, the other on the door, and when the door is opened, it chimes! This does WONDERS for helping you feel safe with your child in a separate room. I also advise not being on the top floor, or having a room with balconies or windows that open – this will also make you feel more secure. Then, when your child is snug and sleeping in his room – you can close (not lock) the door, but place a chair in front of the door to alert you to when your little one is trying to get in – and you can get down to business.

Most kids love having their own rooms – but the first night might be a little bit of trial and error – so if you are staying more than one night – be wary of little ones trying to sneak in, and keep your romantic time for subsequent evenings. The double room suites are really the best option for kids who are big enough to sleep alone and who you are not too worried about. Frequently, there are TVs and other things in the other rooms – more than enough to keep them occupied during the day. At night, they are snug in their own bed, down the hall (but close enough) from your room. Then, you can feel free to get romantic after the little ones are sleeping. My main suggestions for sneaking in romantic moments while your kids are with you is to always put their safety BEFORE your intimate time. Having sex on vacation is wonderful – but your kids have to come first. Ensuring that they are snug and secure will open you up to have a good time. If you are worried about your little ones, sex will not be enjoyable for either of you. After all, most family vacations are intended to entertain the KIDS, not as much the adults, so nighttime is OUR time to unwind and be sensual and sexual with each other.


There are some hotels (Disney springs to mind) where there are activities specifically for children that do not involve adults. For example, on the Disney Cruises are infamous for providing activities for children that last from an hour to up to 3 HOURS! This gives you the perfect opportunity to retreat to your room with your significant someone and have some ADULT playtime while your kids are in great hands! If you have an opportunity to go to a hotel with such services, take advantage of the time. Vacations can be short or long – and if you are on a long vacation, refraining from sex can make you both tense and stressed. Fitting in alone time can mean the difference between a happy, family time and an awful, stressed out vacation.


If you have the option to bring friends or grandparents this can certainly help you to find time for adult play. Especially if you go with another couple with kids – then you can trade times and days so all of you get the alone time you need. Last year we went on vacation with some friends of ours. We had talked beforehand about arranging private time – and we were all in agreement that it would be great and necessary on the one-week trip. We enjoyed being with the kids all day, and then after dinner, one of us would take all the kids to a movie, to the mall, or just to the beach for at least 2 hours. We were always available on our cell phones for emergencies, but otherwise were completely free to enjoy ourselves for those 2 hours. There is nothing like trusting your friends enough to watch your kids – and vice versa!


Well, as my day here draws to a close, I have to say goodbye and finish this article up. While typing on my laptop while gazing out in the hustle and bustle of the city is fun and entertaining – I think I should begin preparing for my hubby’s return. I have candles to light, a bath to draw and toys to clean and lay out. While my time here is short, my romantic night with my hubby is just about to begin! We only have 2 nights here (which is more than enough since I miss my little bugger) – but I have to make the most of them. Tonight is about us, connecting and being intimate together. No little ears will hear our screams of ecstasy (although some unhappy neighbors may) and there will be no fear of little eyes peering into our room! Tonight is adult night and I am looking forward to it! So, remember my helpful tips for your next get-a-way and make sure that it is as much fun as my night is about to be!

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