On Her Knees - An Erotic Bondage Story

I always knew that my viewpoint and general attitude toward sex was, let’s say, a little different than most women.  I loved sex of all kinds, but what really got me wet was any time I was commanded to do something. “Open your legs,” “play with yourself,” “suck my cock,” any of those commands would send me into an immediate frenzy of sexual need.  From my very first boyfriend I loved – and I mean loved – to be of service. I craved the attention and the praise that came with it. I wasn’t sure what the term was for how I felt, but when I was in my mid-twenties I finally learned – I was a submissive.  The relationship between a submissive and a Dominant is such a special one, and I spent most of my adult life searching for the right compliment to me. Most men were more “fake Dominants” thinking that just tying my hands during sex, or talking dirty, made them Dominant.  I knew better. Submissiveness was in my heart and soul.

Finally, I took my search online to a site that catered to those who were in the “scene” and it took a while, but I eventually came across a likely match.  His name was Sean, but he preferred Sir and he had me enthralled from the first message. He called me Little One, which admittedly gave me butterflies the moment I read it.  It didn’t take me long to fall for Him, even over the internet. I know, stupid to be so invested so quickly, but there was just something about him. Eventually, He asked to meet me, and I absolutely jumped at the chance.

As I drove the 3 hours to the hotel where I was to meet Him for the first time, my thoughts raced to each and every phone call, e-mail or text conversation we had ever had.  Remembering how easy it was for me to give in to Him, to submit to Him.  How natural it seemed to respond to every request He asked of me.  We spent only about 6 months conversing back and forth as I became more and more enthralled with Him.  As I drove there was not one moment of hesitation, fear or regret in my mind, just an overwhelming sense of anticipation. 

We had discussed this meeting for weeks – everything had to be perfect.  I checked off each requirement on His list like it was my wedding day.  I had grown my hair out over the last year to an appropriate ‘pulling’ length, which was now almost mid-back.  We shopped online for a dress, tight, slinky, black and red, mid-thigh length.  He directed me to a corsetier who made a new, form-fitting, under bust, tie-up corset just for me.   How decadent! I purchased a new, lacy, push up bra that He had to approve, as well as new thigh high leather boots.  He had asked that I be freshly waxed – not one, stray hair on my pussy – and that I bleach my asshole, so it would be primed for his use. Now that was a new experience for sure! I was directed to pack only my new dress and corset, thigh highs, boots and a few of the previously discussed sex toys that I had been using to prime myself for Him.  I had taken care of every request with joy.

Now just a few minutes away, I grabbed my phone and texted Him as He requested.  The response was only, “Room 950.”  He was in room 950.  He was probably there, waiting for me.  For me!!  My heart skipped a beat.  For one, split second I thought I must be crazy.  Meeting this man that I met on the internet!   That feeling lasted only that split second, as I pulled into the parking lot of the large, upscale hotel.

Grabbing my single suitcase, I proceeded into the hotel and directly to the elevator, pressing “9” my heart began to beat faster and faster.  The ride up to the 9th floor seemed to take an eternity.  Following the signs to the room, I noticed how incredibly quiet this hotel was, it almost seemed deserted.  Standing outside of the room, I noticed that it was open, the inside slide lock holding the door ajar.

“Sir, are you in there,” I called, squeakily from the door.

“S.C., should I come in,” I asked when no answer came.  SC was his agreed upon ‘casual’ name.  Sir was the preference, or Master, but SC was the casual alternative.  It was significant, as it stood for something very special.

With no answer, I pushed open the door a little at a time, until I was standing just inside the door.  I noticed a dim light coming from the inner portion of what I realized was a large suite.  There was a large bathroom with whirlpool tub.  A sitting area with chairs, a couch and a few tables.  This opened up to a large bedroom.

“Sir, are you here,” I called once more, walking slowly into the main room.  I just looked around and took it all in.  It was a beautiful hotel suite.  I turned to go into the bedroom.  It was magnificent. A large bed was in the center of the room, and on it, a box and a note, which read – in HIS handwriting:

“Hello, Little One.   I have left you a gift. I would like you to open this and do as instructed.  I will return soon.  X ~ S.C.”

I sat down on the bed and began to open the box, and as I did so, I saw movement next to me and jumped.  It was simply my reflection. I hadn’t noticed previously that the entire bedroom seemed to be covered in mirrors.  I took a look around, everywhere I turned I saw myself in a mirror.  I looked up, above the old-fashioned 4-poster bed and saw yes, mirrors there too. I was a bit amazed, as this was a very upscale hotel, and this sort of overt sexual tone seemed out of place.

Back to the task at hand, I opened the box.  Inside was a dark, almost black/red lipstick and another note.  This one read:

“Please go to the bathroom, slip out of your traveling clothes and put on the dress we have picked out. Wear NO panties; wear the black bra put on the thigh highs and boots.  Do your make-up as previously discussed, wearing this lipstick.”

A little confused, I went to the bathroom and noticed another box and note on top of it, it said, ‘Read Me.’ I decided to get dressed first, and once completed I opened the next box.  In it was a small, black butt plug, a small bottle of lube and a note:

“Use a dab of lube and place this butt plug into your lovely ass. Then, take the elevator to the bar in the lobby.  Go to the bar, order a drink and wait. Do NOT let the plug fall out and do NOT walk with indignity.”

Wow.  I was extremely aroused at this suggestion.  Holding a butt plug in place and walking was quite a feat, but I was confident I could do it.  I lifted up the skirt, used a very small amount of lube and pushed it up into my tight ass.  I instantly felt extremely aroused.  I checked myself in the mirror and left for the bar.

Arriving downstairs, I noticed the bar was very busy, full of people.  I walked slowly to the bar, trying not to look around for Him.  I ordered a red wine and sat at the bar.  I sipped it slowly but finished it quicker than I would have liked.  I wanted to order another, but the note said, ‘a drink’ and I knew that the devil was in the details, so I simply sat there, patient and eager.  Men came up to me, offered to buy me drinks, and each time my heart raced, thinking it was Him.  I graciously declined and continued to wait for Him.  Almost an hour passes and finally I felt a hand on the small of my back.  Without looking around, I knew it is Him.  He kissed my neck, and nibbled my ear, and as He sits down next to me, I feel myself blushing.  I am afraid to look up, but He takes my chin and forces my eyes to meet His.

“You need to look at me Little One, you know better,” he purred in that sexy, soft voice.

I looked up and met his eyes, felt instantly secure and comfortable.  Smiling, He said, “Oh Little One, you have pleased me very much, you look delightful.  I assume everything is as it should be?”

Assuming He was referencing the plug, I responded, ‘Absolutely, Sir.’

He ordered himself a Crown Royal Manhattan on the rocks and me another glass of wine.  We sat quietly speaking about nothing in particular.  I had almost settled into a sense of comfortableness when his hand landed on my thigh.  Then moved up to my INNER thigh.  He bent to me and said, ‘Little One, spread your legs for me.’

My mind raced.  I was excited to be able to spread my legs for Him in real life, but I was in a very, very crowded bar with many people around.  I wasn’t wearing panties and the skirt was short enough that it would show everything if I spread my legs.

“Little One, you need to do this now,” He repeated his command, a little more sternly.

I spread my legs, a little, then a little more.  His hand went immediately to my pussy, feeling the smoothness there.  He rubbed his index finger over my soft lips and tapped at my clit – I squeaked a bit.  I noticed that the businessmen sitting at the table across from the bar were staring – intently – at us.  S.C. continued to finger me oh, so gently, as I became very wet.  He dipped a finger in and a moan came from deep within my throat.  I looked down, almost shyly.  The couple next to us at the bar looked over, and at this point I didn’t care.  I was instantly in my subspace and the only thing that mattered to me at all was pleasing Him. I found myself spreading my legs even more, while looking right at Him.  He was sipping his drink and playing with me in the most nonchalant manner.

I realized that people were really starting to stare and whisper.  I was sure that a better part of the bar was now firmly aware that I was getting fingered.  He continued his slow assault on my pussy, and I felt myself getting so very, very wet.  I was starting to contract my pussy around His fingers – as he now had 2 inserted into my wetness.  The butt plug was adding to the sensations.  I knew, if he continued on, I was going to cum.  He turned me a little more toward the bar and started to work my clit a little harder; I was starting to shake and was very aroused.

As if sensing this, He leaned in and whispered, “Little One, I know you need to cum.  I give you permission to cum now, and I fully expect that you do. Be as quiet as possible.”

He knew darn well that I never came quietly.  He WANTED to hear me, and he wanted others to hear me too.  He started to work his fingers in and out of my pussy while pinching my clit between his fingers.  All the while sipping on his drink.  The bartender came up and asked if we needed more drinks and he just waved him away, never stopping his attentions on me.  I sat there, legs spread, skirt up to my crotch, being shamelessly fingered and I began to shake, just a bit, and then the orgasm hit.  I came in a hot rush, squeezing my legs together over his hand, squeaking and emitting a long, ‘Ooohhhhh…..followed by a quiet fffuuuck’ and when I had come down, he removed his fingers, and brought them to my lips, smearing my lipstick just a bit with them.  He grabbed my hand, urged me off the barstool and walked me out of the bar, everyone staring right at us. I didn’t care – not one bit.

Once in the elevator, he took me by surprise, wrapping his hand around my neck and pushing me against the wall of the elevator.  He kissed my neck roughly, and brought his hands back up between my legs, thrusting his fingers almost roughly into me.  He continued to fuck me until another orgasm ripped through me, his hands sticky with my sweet cum; he again brought them to my mouth and stuffed his fingers into my mouth.  As the door opened, I was in a state of sweet shock, and I literally floated back to the room.

Once in the room, he took me to the main sitting area and directed me to sit on the couch.  He sat down next to me, brushed the hair from my face, and kissed me, passionately.  It was our first real kiss and it was fantastic.  My entire body warmed with just the touch of his lips, and this kiss was more intimate than the finger fucking I had just received.

“Little One, you have pleased me immensely.  However, I did sense a moment of hesitation when I asked you to spread your legs.  You understand that when I ask of you that you are to do what I say?  If you do not, you will be punished.”

“Yes, Sir, I am sorry, it is just a bit surreal,” I responded.

“I understand.  Why don’t we order in some room service and just sit and talk for a bit,” he remarked.

I sat there, legs crossed, holding his hand and feeling comfortable.  A knock on the door and room service was provided.  Some more wine, light food and some water.  We sat, ate and just interacted. He would touch me intimately on the cheek, neck, arms.  He brushed my breasts, ran His fingers over my thighs.  Just teased me with touches.

“So, Little One, what would you like to do now?”

What I wanted, more than anything, was to see his cock.  He had the most magnificent cock.  It was big and thick and had the most splendid curve to it.  I had fantasized about that cock for nearly half a year.  I had imagined it on the entrance to my mouth, sitting at my lips, teasing my tongue.  I had imagined it sliding down my throat, gagging me, making the most delicious sounds.   I had imagined it slapping my face, cheek, clit. I had imagined it sinking into me for the first time, spreading me wide and stretching my tender pussy in a delicious mix of fullness and yielding softness.   Oh yes, that is what I wanted; I wanted to feel his cock on me and in me.  

“Sir, can I go to the bathroom before answering that,” I asked, a plan already in my mind.

He sent me off and I went to the bathroom, prepared to answer his question not with words, but with action.  I removed the dress and bra.  I stood there, naked in front of the mirror.  My large, firm breasts were flushed.  My practically iridescent skin was flawless except my tattoos and naval piercing.  I took the corset from my suitcase and put it on.  I was taking a risk by dressing without his permission, but I thought it would be all right.  As this corset was under bust, my breasts sat outside of it, as if being presented on tiny shelves of leather. I pulled the strings to the corset as tight as I possibly could, and instantly my waist was cinched in.  This corset really did fit me like a glove, and the silhouette was stunning. 

Taking a deep breath, I excited the bathroom and walked back to where SC was seated. He looked up at me with definite pleasure in his eyes, and I sunk to my knees between his legs.  I looked directly at him and spread his knees apart.  My hands wandered around his legs, first calves, then knees, then thighs, then inner thighs.  I noticed his cock stirring in his pants, but I continued to look at him.  I moved toward the belt and undid it swiftly, then unzipped his trousers, snaking my hand in just a bit.  Feeling the beginnings of his hard on and the way his cock jumped as I touched Him made me instantly wet. 

I grabbed the waist of his trousers and pulled up and He lifted his ass to let me remove His trousers and boxers.  I did so deftly, never leaving his gaze.  His cock was already standing at attention and I absolutely loved that I would be able to bring it more to life.  I took it gently in my hand and began to squeeze the base, just a bit.  Then, I ran my fingertips lightly over it, until I reached the head.  With each stroke He got harder and harder. I rose up on my knees and hovered over His cock – my heart was beating so hard as I was about to take my first taste of His cock.  I stuck out my tongue and ran it over his cockhead…..he tasted so good.  I started to run my tongue around the base of his shaft – up and down – and finally taking his balls one, then the other, into my mouth.  I looked at him as I did this….and his eyes were rolling back in His head. The lovely curve of his cock was very evident, and it made it fun to lick the underside, as his cock literally jumped as I tongued him. 

I was about to take His whole cock into my mouth when He pushed me away.  What?  Was I not doing a good job?  Confused, I sat back on my heels – sort of the submissive’s default stance.  He went into the bedroom and I heard a zipper being unzipped.  He returned with a pair of black, fur lined handcuffs and a brown box.  He sat back down on the couch and opened the box; it was a cigar box.  They had discussed how aroused cigar smoke made her – so my heart jumped just a bit.  He clipped the end of the cigar and lit it.  Taking that first puff, He inhaled deeply, then exhaled, blowing it down onto me.  I shivered to my core.  My pussy was instantly wet and flowing.

“Little One, turn around and put your hands behind your back,” He asked.

Doing as told, I allowed him to cuff my hands behind my back.  Then, I turned back around to face him.  The tightness of my arms behind me made my breasts stand out even more.  Even though I was very big breasted, they were definitely full and not droopy.

“Now, let’ see what you can do,” He smiled.

I started at his cock head again, licking around the head, sticking my tongue right under His glans.  He leaned back, puffed on his cigar and blew the smoke down around me as I teased His cock with my tongue; the effect created almost a cloud around his cock. I was getting very hot smelling the smoke and sucking his cock, so I began to work it feverishly and aggressively down my throat.  He began to moan…and moan…and I continued to bob down on his cock until I felt it – His hand on my head, grasping my hair, forcing me down, gagging me with His cock.  He bucked His hips up and forced His cock into my mouth…the sound was amazing and the spit oooozed down my cheek and chin and dripped onto my breasts.  Finally, in one loud, ‘Mmmmmmmmmmm…..ffffuuuuuuuuccck’ He came, down my throat.  I triumphantly swallowed and swallowed the sweet cum, making sure not to drop a bit of the love juice.

“That was fantastic Little One,” He said, praising me.  He put his cigar in the astray and took me by the arm, helping me to my feet.  He walked me to the bedroom, hands still tied behind my back.  He pushed me, gently, onto the bed and said, ‘put your ass up!’ – and up my ass went.  Face down on the bed, hands behind my back, I hear more rustling behind me.  Then, I heard the telltale buzzing of Hitachi Vibrator.  My heart jumped.

“Spread those knees,” He commanded. 

I did as told and turned my head to one side.  It was then that I saw my reflection in one of the many mirrors in the room.  There I was, face down, tits hanging, legs spread and He was behind me on the bed.  He placed the Hitachi on my pussy…running it around my mound.  The feeling was amazingly intense.

“Do NOT cum Little One,” he said, “you must wait until I tell you that you can!”

With that, he placed the wand right on my clit….buzzing away -  the feeling was intense.  The plug STILL in my ass was contracting…..He began to work the plug in and out of my beautiful, full ass while teasing my clit with the wand.  I started to shake…the pleasure was too great.  I started to move my ass and hips, trying to avoid the wand.  He had me training myself not to cum too quickly with direct stimulation, but the reflection in the mirror was too much to take.  Watching him working that plug into my ass while teasing my pussy with the wand was achingly erotic.  I knew, without a doubt, that I was going to cum.

Just then, he removed the plug and placed His thumb into my asshole, almost picking me up with the pressure he used and then He placed the wand directly on my clit, putting the speed on HIGH. He bent down, ‘cum for me Little One, and don’t be shy about it.’

Cum I did…..

“Ohh…..oh….fuck….I’m….fucking…..cummming……..Sir….please don’t….stop….fucccckkkkk………keep….making……me ……fucking……cum……….AHHHHHHHHHHHHH”

My body shook, my hands forced against the restraints, my hips wide, my knees spread, fucking against the wand I had orgasm after orgasm until the wand was removed…..

I folded down in a heap on the bed…..feeling wired and totally in subspace.

“Now THAT was an orgasm, Little One,” he purred as he removed the restraints and lay down next to me on the bed.

“You know, we have only just begun,” He reminded me.  I knew I was about to have the most magnificent experience of my life and couldn’t wait to continue to please Him.

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