Are Bald Men More Virile?

Banner displays illustration of bold man in front of heart. Bald men linked to higher levels of testosterone.
A survey conducted by LloydsPharmacy Online explored the connection between baldness and heightened sex drive, investigating the beliefs surrounding this association.
Among the 500 male respondents, one-third believed that bald men possessed higher testosterone levels, and 41% thought that male pattern baldness resulted from elevated testosterone, a trait commonly associated with virility, (Men's Health UK, 2023).
Remarkably, 54% of men between the ages of 18 and 20 believed that bald men were more sexually active and virile than their hair-covered counterparts, while 36% in the same age group thought that excessive sexual activity led to premature balding.
And while it’s true that testosterone levels improve libido and muscle-building, medical experts of this study caution that no scientific evidence supports a direct cause-and-effect relationship between baldness and heightened virility, at least not yet anyway.
In fact, low testosterone levels can contribute to hair loss and may manifest as reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased bone mass, and increased body fat. What is important to remember is that a number of biological, psychological, and lifestyle factors contribute to one’s sexual health and virility so if you’re worried about your testosterone levels dropping, make sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor and discuss what that means for you and your body.
Men's Health UK (2023, July 31). 54% of Men Believe Bald Men Are More Virile than Those with Hair, Says Survey. Men's Health.