Men’s Sexual Health Survey: Everything You Need To Know
Health Tips For Men By Decade:
Cleveland Clinic Survey Results:
According to the survey, 44% of penis owner’s are worried about developing erectile dysfunction in their later years, but what most don’t know is that E.D. is not an ageist phenomenon and can develop in penis owner’s of all ages, (James, 2023, p. 2). 58% of penis owner’s misinterpret low testosterone as the most common cause of E.D., (James, 2023, p. 4). As it turns out, erectile dysfunction can be the result of a variety of things such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hardening arteries, and even mental health issues. Although this news may sound alarming, what’s important to remember is that with regular check ups and knowledge of your family history, sexual health issues such as E.D. are extremely treatable. James, E. (2023, June 12).
Common Men's Health Concerns:
Sexual Health Big Concern for Men, Survey Finds. News4JAX. for-men-survey-finds/