How to Make Valentine’s Day Special When You're on a Budget

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Image of man and woman couple making out in bed

Valentine's Day is a day of love, and that's something you just can't put a price on! It can be extremely stressful for couples; getting the right gift, making sure it's special, etc. Sure the finer things in life like expensive jewelry or fancy restaurants are fabulous, but what if you just don’t have the budget for such extravagances? Or, what if you just haven’t been together long enough to buy a $200 rose bouquet? Here are some ideas on how to make Valentine’s Day great on a budget!

1. Surprise Them With Their Favorite Foods

You can get really creative with this one if you know what your S.O. likes to eat. There's the unfortunate expectation that V-day means a crazy, expensive meal, but it doesn't have to be! If you know your honey is always craving something from a local joint, you could always get that food and go on a small picnic or create a blanket fort.

When I was just out of college my then-boyfriend was a struggling musician. I mean struggling to make any money at all. I will never forget him calling me (yes, we used actual phones back then) and saying, “Hey babe, I am sorry but this Valentine’s Day is going to suck rocks cause I am poor…” to which I said all I needed was him and perhaps a Nachos Bell Grande from Taco Bell.

Well, that night he came over, gave me a card and had me sit on the floor. He then blindfolded me (nope, not for that reason) and asked me to open my mouth. He placed a cheesy filled chip in my mouth and I knew he had gotten me the Taco Bell I had mentioned. He also bought me a cheeseburger with only cheese and pickles from McDonald’s and a Peanut Buster Parfait from Dairy Queen. He showed me that even though he was poor he wanted to make a memory AND that he knows all the things I love to eat. It was a fantastic Valentine’s Day. 

2. Use Some Wordplay

You know what is really special about Valentine’s Day? Is it the flowers? The candy? Going out to eat? Sure, those things are nice, I’ll admit, but what is THE most special is knowing that the person whom you love/like cares about you. Have any of you ever had a partner write a song for you? How about a poem? Even a really sentimental card? These written words (or lyrics) mean a lot to us because they are literal professions of our feelings for someone.

Some people may find this difficult to do, but the payoff of it is ultimately worth the effort. Even if you have to borrow the words from the internet or from a famous poet or songwriter, the effort of finding just the right words to express how you feel can be the most amazing gift. It doesn’t always have to be super gushy either. My good friend had a partner use the poem from “Mr. Deeds” an Adam Sandler movie, just because it was the first movie they saw together. Cheap, but so romantic. Words are free but the emotion is priceless.

3. Netflix & Chill...With Their Favorite Movie

With thousands of movies and TV shows to choose from how can you possibly go wrong with a Netflix and chill night? Well I know, you could go wrong by picking a show YOU like instead of one your lover enjoys. It is a fact of life, usually, one person in a relationship tends to rule the remote. Picking the shows that they like and avoiding the ones they do not. That could mean we are avoiding all the mushy-gushy romantic films or we are not going for the action-packed options.

So, for Valentine’s Day give your love the gift of being able to choose the movie! I know it seems fairly cheesy but if you prepare some yummy snacks (like popcorn, nachos, pizza) and give them carte blanche of the remote it may just be the best gift you can give! You can cuddle on the couch and sit happily with your love knowing that you gave them something they really wanted.

4. Take a Romantic Stroll

Are either of you the outdoorsy types? If you enjoy hiking (and the climate allows) find a place near home where you guys could go on a hike! Activities involving physical activity can also lead to some great sex, thanks to the boost of endorphins. You know, those happy hormones you get from a really exhausting run! You'll both be sweat glistening and ready for some action when you get back into the bedroom!

If your lover isn't the more active person, suggest a romantic walk on the beach or through a peaceful park. The sentiment of bringing your person somewhere they genuinely enjoy spending time, even if just to walk around, will make all the difference this V-Day! 

5. Bring Out The Big Guns...SEX

Hey, I bet you didn’t know this but a free idea for Valentine's Day! So, if you are on a tight budget you can always give your partner the gift of yourself! Your time, your body and, of course maybe that blowjob they have been wanting! I am kidding. No, actually, I am not. Valentine’s Day is a great day to try out a fantasy that your partner has been hinting about. Or, to just discuss the fantasies that you both have. Light the room up with candles, get the room ready for sex and sit on the bed. Kiss, cuddle and talk about what makes you both super-hot! Then, maybe if possible, try it out. Hey, it is Valentine’s Day after all and what better gift can you give then trying something new in the bedroom?

What's Your Perfect Valentine's Day?
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  • Sami

    To be loved for real n for someone to prove it to me by actually spending the first Valentine’s day w me in our 6+ yrs together n be proud to have me on that day too n give me lots of stupid lil meaningful gifts to show how much he ever listened n wants to call mebtheirs to the universe n who wants to be mine n let me tell anyone n everyone I feel like .

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