How Do You Keep An Old Relationship New In Bed

My husband’s birthday is just a few weeks away. After being married for 10 years, it starts to get difficult to find just the right gift. Especially for the man that has everything. I am sure many of you can relate.
The only thing I could think of was the fact that he always wants sex but there never seems to be enough time. Besides, that’s just a 10 minute thing, right? Now you know where my brain was at when I started surfing the internet looking for ideas. If my husband could have anything he wanted, I know without a doubt a good sex life would be at the top of the list. Ten years ago it was at the top of mine too. Then the career, children, and all those responsibilities showed up..and poof, it was gone.

A change in the bedroom can be a very exciting thing for both partners. All of sudden you find yourself making time and feeling excited about the time you will be together (remember that feeling years ago).

I started asking questions about my husband’s likes and dislikes, outside our normal routine of take your close off and hurry up, and our sex life started to change. Small questions like, “are you open to new things?” can really make your spouse wonder what you are up to and get that libido on the go. Before we started to communicate, my husband would never tell me a thing about what he liked in bed. Now just the other night, he asked me how I would feel about being tied up during sex. Woooow..was I surprised.

Well, the birthday present is on its way. I put together my own version of a couple’s kit based up my husband’s responses. I ended up purchasing Spanish Fly, Nipple Rings, Cock Rings, Massage Oil, Flavored Oils, Porno DVD, and a really sexy leather outfit (all about the visuals)…I think this will be the best gift yet. It would not surprise me if I receive a whip, mask, and handcuffs for my birthday.

If you want a great sex life with your partner, communicate and be open for new things. I am not saying that everything out there is for everyone but what I am saying is that if you want to keep an ‘old’ relationship ‘new’ in bed try what you can to keep it alive.

By the way, this straight laced corporate Mom would love the handcuffs.

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