5 Things to do Before Having Sex

When we have been with a partner for a while (in marriage or long term relationship) sometimes we forget all the fun ways we used to prepare for a sex date.  You know what I am talking about – waxing and shaving; buying MATCHING panties and bras, plucking our eyebrows – or, manscaping, shaving and wearing the boxers without the hole in the crotch.  Sex used to be something that caused us to be excited, giddy and wanting to be looking our most sexy!  Sometimes, along the way, this preparation falls by the wayside.  Our legs have not been shaved in months, we forget what a bikini wax is, our men wander into the bedroom scratching themselves and looking, tentatively, to see if we are wearing the tight t-shirt or the flannel PJs to gauge our interest in intercourse.  This article addresses 5 main things that you can and should do to prepare for sex in order to make it better for you and for them!

1. Clear your Mind
Mental preparation is as important as anything, especially for women. We need to clear our minds of everything stressful, related to children, household aspects, etc. We need to put ourselves in the peace of mind to accept pleasure. To want to pleasure. We need to be able to concentrate on our partners and ourselves. To do this takes probably the hardest preparation of all. When you walk through the door to the bedroom, leave it all behind. Anything you are worried about before you go in will still be there a couple hours when you are finished. You owe it to yourself and your partner to be completely present in the moment.

2. Primp Properly
As I have already eluded, looking sexy is an important step for you moreso than your partner. It may be as simply as taking the time to shave your legs, put on some lingerie or get a wax – but when we prepare ourselves, physically, for sex our mindset shifts to one of sexy thinking. We have pride in ourselves and want to share that self with our partners.

3. Ambience
Let’s be honest here, when we walk into a room that is dimly lighted by candles, does not have a pile of dirty laundry on the floor, the bed is actually made and there is soft music playing we feel like having sex. The state of our personal lovemaking space is important. Not quite as important as our personal state (see #2) but it does help to set the mood. So, clean up that room, buy some candles, make your bed and see what happens next!

4. Clear the decks
What does not make for a sexy evening? Children running amuck, screaming for snacks or fighting with each other, that’s what! If you can send your kids to a sleepover, time with grandparents or even just a few hours away at a movie: DO IT! Get some absolute private time. Show your partner that you are invested in him and in the time to share some pleasure. It is important to have this time to prepare yourself mentally for sex. Nothing breaks the mood quicker than a knock on the door followed by, “Mom...Mom....Mom...what are you doing? Mom...”

5. Shopping Sexy
What woman doesn’t love to shop? I, for one, love to go lingerie shopping! When we go out and buy an outfit for a particular purpose (like a wedding, shower, first date) we always feel excited for that event and the new outfit we have purchased. Well, it is the same for sex! When we buy a silky, new chemise and wear it we FEEL sexier. Not only that, but our partner takes notice that we are not wearing the Bears jersey to bed any longer and HE gets excited too!

MIKAYLA’S TIP: Along with preparations, you should also contemplate switching things up a bit. You can buy some new toys (a bullet, a vibe, something for him) and surprise your lover with them. Nothing puts you in a sexy mood quicker than something new in your bedroom.

Fun and Flirty Toys / Items to get you in the mood:

Lingerie To Make You Feel Saucy – TooTimid has great choices to spice up your bedroom attire!

Babydoll Lingerie
Pick A Vibe – just looking at the toys on the site is enough to make my kitty puuuurrrrr.

Rabbit Vibrator

Clit Candy – get buttered up before the main course and give your sweet spot the sweetness it's been craving! 

Clitoral Cream

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